Thursday, October 9, 2008


D stands for Divorce.

... or drunk if you want to talk about last night.

I went out with two friends for desert. To celebrate my freedom.
1 Vanilla Coffee Nudge, 1 Zombie, 3 shots of Petrone (I know I botched that spelling), and 1 good ol' fashion shot of Jose Cuervo later...I was toast.

Note to self: Never drink on an empty stomach.
Note to self again: Always always drink more water than alcohool.

Oh, and FYI? Grease is SO GOOD for a hangover.

So back to last night's festivities.
We ended up...laying in the middle of the parking lot. Not sure why.
I think we were trying to pose for a picture together.
But we couldn't stop falling over. So we sat down.
....nuff said?
And then? My mom called. I felt like a high school girl being busted, totally freaked out
and did NOT answer the call. lmao.
I told her today that i was trying to be respectful, knowing she wouldn't want to hear me drunk.

Oh, and I did some drunk texting.

Note to self: Cell phone camera's are evil when it comes to drunken stupors.

I wonder if these note to self's will actually....come to my mind the next time I go out for...desert?

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